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Friday, May 4, 2018

Block Lotto Blocks for May

Over the years I've participated some in an online Block Lotto hosted by Sophie who is a quilting friend.   Time has been at a premium this year so until this month I had not been able to make any blocks.   But in cleaning up & trying to get ready for my coming move I found enough scraps to make the block for May.

This months block is a scrappy variation of the rail fence block and makes a 6.5" finished block.  We were to use blues and greens for the squares and a solid white (no WOW's) for the final 'rail'.   All fabrics came from my scraps.


1. 7 weeks or so till I have to be out of the town house if all goes well with the sale.

2. I think all is done with getting paperwork in for the house.........

1 comment:

  1. Great looking blocks! This would be a fun set to win, and easy to set together. Only thing is, small as they are, you'd need to win 48 to make a 6 x 8 quilt, 36 x 48 - and I think this looks best with no border. Still, if you wanted bigger, winning 35 or 58 blocks would get you a good start!


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