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Monday, June 11, 2018

After move pics of the house.....

The move is over but the unpacking and arranging........... here are a few pics of what the place looks like as of last night.    I managed to get more put up this evening while the cable debacle was going on, but no new pics.

 The fabric room....the last one that will be arranged. 
 And yes, I do have enough to stock a quilt store.....
 My catch-all room - most of the smaller totes are in the shelves.   Cross-stitch, beading kits, quilt stuff are all in here, along with cards, batting and gift stuff.
 Other corner of the room.   Batting will be stored in the closet.
 Bedroom......still to go in somewhere is a 4 ft tall bookcase that I'll use to hold clothes that don't get hung up.
 Living room, unpacking progressing in there.
 Sewing corner and where my computer is.
looking towards the kitchen.  Second machine will be on that table where the chair is.  Cutting table moves to where-ever is open for it.


1. I have internet!

2. I work in an air-conditioned building.


  1. Wow, I'm loving the total-house quilting/sewing space! Can't wait to see it when you have it all arranged!! At least you are home now!

  2. I can’t wait to see it all arranged! Good luck Moira!

  3. It actually looks pretty neat for just moving in on Saturday! And also a lot smaller with all the fabric in place. LOL

  4. Looks like you will have ample space for quilting!

  5. Congratulations Moira! Enjoy the AC.

  6. While I know this is a quilting blog, I find it amusing that you showed no boxes for the kitchen - not going to eat???? lol, looking great !

  7. Everything looks so neat. One room at a time huh?

  8. Actually Kate - The kitchen was done before the majority of stuff was moved up. I only had to paper grocery sacks and 1 box of stuff to move, along with the food in my fridge. And all that got put up on Saturday night.!


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