My Pages

Wednesday, July 25, 2018


One of the things that has been coming to light as I've been unpacking and getting settled in the house are photos, and lots of them.   Priceless pics of family and friends, some of whom have gone on to heaven.

Included in some of the pics coming to light were these two taken at the party for my parents 50th anniversary.   Included in them were these of the king-size quilts that I made for each of them.

Both of them were made from swap blocks from some of the many swaps that I had been in years ago.

Dogs for my dad -

And cats for my mom.

Linking up with Val's Quilting Studio.


1. For my parents still being around and doing well for their ages.

2. For the memories I have of friends and families from over the years.

1 comment:

  1. I remember those! It doesn't seem so many years have gone by until we stop to count them. I have a picture of Paul and me holding up one of your quilts behind your apartment in Phoenix.


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