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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Progress on the house

I've been in the house for 7 weeks already, and it really doesn't seem possible.   I'm loving being here.

Lots of progress has been made on setting things to rights as I've unpacked. 

The garage is finished for the time being.   It looked like this after I had unpacked about half of the boxes (there were approx. 50 of them when I moved in).

 That pile of boxes now looks like this.  The one box at the lower left has an antique thread chest that needs to be unpacked so that I can figure out if I left anything in it.   And then I need to figure out how to sell it to bring in the best price.

The stuff that is stored out in the garage is now in totes away from water damage and pests.  And all but one tote fits on my nice red storage shelves. 

Still to be done is change out the cord on the dryer so that I can plug it in and use it.

An almost of the boxes are out of the living room now.   Only things that remain is one box of stuff that is going out.  And a box of things that I need to list on Ebay for sale.  I'm adding more things to that box as I go through the totes in my craft room and fabric room.

The quilt frame went together easily thanks to having marked it with indicators that showed where things were to go.   However, the one thing I didn't mark because I was totally certain that I'd remember was how to do the two platforms that the machine sits on.   And of course the frame is no longer made. =P 

I've emailed a friend who used to own a frame like this to see if she remembers how they go.  If not I'll drive myself nuts trying to figure it out because I've got a commissioned quilt coming in a couple of weeks.

1. Friends who give of their time to help me set the frame up

2. For the peace that comes from knowing all of my needs will be supplied even when work is 3 pay days behind.


  1. I was wondering something about your red shelves and that one tote that there wasn't room for. Could you take the tote on the right side of the bottom shelf, turn it upside down, and put it between the two matching totes one shelf up? Looks like it could just squeeze in. Then there would be room for that last tote next to its twin on the bottom shelf.

  2. So where's the car? LOL You've done an amazing job of going through years of things in only a few weeks. Best of luck figuring out that quilt frame. I'll pray for your memory. The company doesn't still have instructions, or someone who can walk you through it? It might still be the same way they do it on a different frame, maybe?

  3. Greetings! I've been following your site for a while now and finally got the bravery to go ahead and give you a shout out from Porter Texas!
    Just wanted to tell you keep up the fantastic job!

  4. Thank you for following my blog! Who knows one of these days I may make it down to Porter. =)


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