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Thursday, October 11, 2018

Mail Surprise

This week was  a blessed one -

I arrived home from work on Tuesday after a rainy drive home to find a surprise package on my doorstep.  Inside was a wonderful wall-hanging as a sweet house-warming gift from a sweet group of online friends.

 Full pic of the quilt

The idea for the quilt from KTJ
 Top panel - from Roseanne
Sides - from Margaret
Side - from Margaret

Bottom - from Edi

Center - from Susan

And a label made by Susan listing all of them. 


1. For friends who do sweet surprises like this!

2. For my vacation being approved for Christmas time, along with the 5 weeks where I'll have a Friday off.....woohoo.....


  1. You are very welcome Moira! Hope it brings a smile whenever you spot it!

  2. Love your housewarming gift from your friends!!! They did a beautiful job! They are definitely the best!!

  3. Your pictures look better than mine. =) I'm glad you like it.


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