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Thursday, November 29, 2018

Post Card Short Cuts

I love making quilted post cards, but sometimes just want to do something quick.

 In the Black Friday sale this year, Joann's had their Christmas picks on sale for 70% off.   I'd gone to look at them to see if I could find some smaller poinsettia blooms.   I didn't find that, but did find these cute felt ones.  There was also a Mrs Santa but I didn't like that as well as these.

First step to using them was to cut off the wire part of the pick.

Next step was to iron the fabrics for the front and back onto the fusible peltex that I use for the inside of my post cards.

I use a stripe on the back so that I have lines to follow when I write!

Then followed that up by finishing the edges of the post card.

 Finally from the front side I held the Santa down and then stitched around him where my sewimg machine foot would fit.  Didn't get totally around the edges, but enough to hold him to the post card.

This dapper gentleman went to a friend on one of my quilt lists.

So if you want to make post cards, don't be afraid to use something that may not be traditional for applique.

1. Tomorrow is a vacation day and payday!.

2. Foot is slowly getting better with wearing the boot at work, at home is another story


  1. That's such a cute idea, Moira! You are most clever woman.

  2. What an amazing way to make a postcard!! You really do a great job of thinking out of the box! Love your Santa postcard!

  3. Some thinking outside the box and it's adorable. Thank you for sharing your inspiration !!


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