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Friday, December 7, 2018

Christmas Postcards, Part 2

I've completed four more Christmas themed postcards.   These were made with more Christmas picks from Joann's.............these of plastic Christmas candy that I thought were fun.

I cut the wire of the picks short leaving about 3-4" total - enough to hide the bottom in the "vase".

Vases were made from large pre-fused scraps of fabric from that scrap bag.  The green fabric was bought because I didn't have anything the candy would show up against.


1. Vacation is almost here!

2. Getting to see long-time friends on vacation.


  1. These are so sweet - you clever lady! ^^

  2. How adorable!! Do you use some kind of glue to hold the stems in the vases or is fusible enough to keep them there?

  3. The green is the perfect background, too. So cute for your friends to receive!

  4. Those turned out great!!! They would make a great addition to shoebox 😉


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