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Monday, January 7, 2019

Arizona Shopping, part 2

While in Arizona I shopped some of the Christmas clearance sales at Joann's and Hobby Lobby.  And found some goodies that will make appearances in future projects along with tutorials.  Gotta love it when you can find goodies at 75-90% off of retail.

First up is this gift card tin that looks like a spool of thread.   I've an idea for repurposing is and will post more on that....first I need to find my felt (or buy so I can attempt the idea.
Then came these little cross-stitch kits.  Eventually these will end up as gifts for someone.
I'm always looking for things that I can use to embellish quilted postcards.   These are a couple of packages of aluminum ornaments meant to be strung on a twine garland that Joann's was selling this year.  But I think they will be great on a Christmas postcard, or winter postcard.  The ornament on the right will most likely end up on a card as well.
I've used large silk poinsettia flowers before on postcards, but until this winter had not been able to find any small ones.  5 cards of them came home with me this year.   The flowers will need some disassembling from their current state to be usable, but that shouldn't be hard.  I'll find some silver and gold buttons to use for the centers on the flowers.

And I've an idea for the bells on flower stems that I'm looking forward to trying as well.
I found these embellishments at Hobby Lobby.  They too will end up on quilted postcards at some point.
These kits from Joann's were too cute to resist and will be used as "gift wrap" for future Christmas gifts.  The kits have glue in them because they are meant for kids to make, but I'll do a quick stitch on them to put them together.


1. That while I may be surprised by things that happen with my health and other issues, God is always in control and is never surprised.

2. All the bruises from the hospital stay are starting to fade.....a good thing after feeling like a human pincushion!


  1. Wow - what a haul! I'm looking forward to all that you create with these.

  2. Good to know the bruising isn't hanging around - good sign. What cute things all those goodies will make!

  3. So glad your bruises are fading!! You will have fun creating your beautiful post cards using your new finds - I can't wait to see them!!

  4. Glad to hear that you are doing better Moira!


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