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Monday, February 25, 2019

Commission Progress

Delivered 20 stockings and 2 totes this weekend to the gal I've been sewing for.  She loved all of the items, but especially the tote bags because she said she could really see her uncle in them because of the use of the overall straps for the bag handles.

I found out when she picked up everything that her uncle who had owned a wrecking yard, had been known for not letting anyone trim the trees on the property.  So the stocking I made with the appliqued trees brought back good memories for my customer.  And he was a Harley Davidson rider, so the motorcycle was fitting.


Next up - Taking the last pair of overalls and deconstructing them so that I can make more stockings (probably about another 20 or so like I did from the first pair).  And 8 more pillows from 2 denim shirts, 7 t-shirt pillows and 3 pillows from bandannas.  The stockings planned will have bits and pieces of bandannas that were used in earlier projects as embellishments on them.

And then for the same customer I'll be working with her wedding dress to make a pillow for her from the beaded section of the dress (front & back), and then 4-5 ring bearer pillows from the skirt and lace in the sleeves.

Pic to the right is the dress that I'll be working with.    The bodice area will be used for the pillow, the lace sleeves and skirt will be used for the ring bearer pillows.   I know what I want to do on the big to execute the idea when i get to work on these after finishing the current work in progress.


1. For this big commission that ultimately bring in as much as I made all of last yr with my sewing. 

2. For the PT job that is also helping bring in extra money to pay bills off.

1 comment:

  1. Your "overalls" projects are wonderful!!! Oh, cutting into that wedding dress...I want to do something with mine! My mom had it cleaned and sealed in a bag and it is sitting in a box in the top of my closet. My high-neck, long-sleeved dress didn't fit any of my girls (they were either too tall or way too short), so now I want to make something useful with it. Terrifying to make that first cut!! I wonder if my daughters would be willing to give me their dresses to cut up too??


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