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Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Improv Challenge Blocks 4 & 5

Two more blocks in the challenge have been completed -

 Block 4 - should have been block 3 but I never got the email on it.   Basis was triangles.

This one started with 4 UFO orphan block parts that had just the first two sides added to them in half-log cabin style.    I free-form added triangles.  Then added the sashing between the units.   White was added to the block on two sides, with green triangles added free-style to the corner.

21 different fabrics in this block.
Block 5 - theme was gentle curves.

I started this block off with the orange & yellow piece.   It was an orphan block made from the leftover ends of several strip sets.  Curves were added by piecing in the green and WOW fabrics.  The WOW was inadvertently cut upside down so the wrong side of it is on the right side of the block....oops....oh well.

And yes that is an inset corner at the top - I fed all pieces cut out as I made the curves back into the block to make it large enough.

Two more blocks to go in the challenge, but I'm planning on making 12 blocks so that I can put them together in a toddler sized quilt.


1. Thinking positive that my counts will still be up when I see the doc tomorrow afternoon.

2. For the PT job that I'm working from home, even tho I still don't know how much I'm making per  (I do know I'll get paid...just not how much per hour.)


  1. Praying that your numbers are good today!!! Love your blocks!! They are unexpected and that makes them even more wonderful!!!

  2. I read your blog every day that you post. You inspire me with your creativity and how you challenge yourself. I marvel at your way of taking what you have and making it into something useful/memorable for yourself or others. I may not post a comment often but, you should know that there are people out here that are reading your blog and admiring your talent. -NRW-

  3. I hope they are/were still up! I love that top block - improv or planned, it would be a beautiful block! Both of them are great additions to the improv set.

  4. Thank you for the kind words Nancy! They are much appreciated.

  5. This is going to be a great quilt. Love these blocks!!


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