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Thursday, February 28, 2019

Snail #16 and thoughts

I'm slot to think about things when designing at times, and sometimes use more pieces than needed to get the look that I'm going after.  From this first block which was done in 3" finished squares and HST's for the entire block.
To this one which I started using a 4" finished square instead of what would have been 2" finished squares to make the largest part of the snail body......
To this last block completed this morning (#16) where I made a modified snowball block for the biggest part of the snail body.  Much faster and few seams to have to match up.  But since I'm using scraps for the bodies this won't always work because they aren't always big enough for a finished 6-9 inch square to be cut.
And here is the back of this block.  Because the corners of the shell need to match the background fabric in the rest of the block, I used the seams that were there on the corner HST's to sew the seams for the WOW fabric and then just trimmed away the original fabric.  =)    And for a change had everything all match up like it was supposed to.


1. I've accumulated enough from the sewing I've been doing to be able to pay off the next bill in to decide which of the next two I'm planning to pay off that it will be.

2. My best quilting buddy is stopping by overnight on Friday on her way thru town, been almost 3 yrs since I've seen her and I can't wait to spend time with her.


  1. Your snails are looking great! Yay for paying off a bill!! On the next one to pay off...which one is smaller, cuz that's the one you go for!! Smallest to largest...builds momentum and knocks out the bills! Oh, have fun with your BFF...I'm assuming I know who it is!!

  2. All great snails, no matter how you made them. Sometimes with scraps, you don't get to use the most efficient method, but the method your scraps fit. Yay on the bill paying! I had a great time at your house, and I'm glad I was able to arrange it for at least one night's stay, and got to leave later on Saturday morning.


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