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Tuesday, March 26, 2019

All About Strings Blog Hop

Today's my day to share a string project -

This project started with umpteen small strings chunks from my green scraps.  Most of which were no more than 3-4 in width.    I ended up sewing them to adding machine tape to stabilize them.   Then cut them into strips that were at least 11" long.  Those strips were then sewn together along the long edges to form blocks that squared up to 10" finished. 

To make the flowers I used a couple of cookie cutters as templates for some of them, and then free-handed others.  Fabrics for the flowers came out of the my stash of pre-fused scraps.   Some of the flowers feature buttons as their centers.

I have a quilting plan in mind for this one, but that will have to wait till I get some other things finished up first.

All fabrics for the quilt came out of the stash.

1. For being able to shop my stash and find what I need when I need it.  =)

2. For the commission that I'm working on currently


  1. I love applique with patchwork and your green strings are the perfect background for the flowers. Cookie cutters make the best patterns for applique - great inspiration. Thank you for joining the All About Strings Blog Hop. Your quilt top is gorgeous.

  2. Your quilt is really lovely! That's a great idea to use the string blocks as a background for the appliqued flowers.

  3. I knew coming here today I'd see something cool and I sure did. Thanks for giving us such a beautiful project Moira... this is wonderful, love how you did the blocks with the applique on top.

  4. Very pretty. I like the flower motifs on it.

  5. Great way to use the teeny scraps by sewing to the adding machine paper!

  6. Love those green scraps behind the flowers! Very creative and very pretty!

  7. Great idea, a cookie cutter for the flower motifs.

  8. What a fun and wonderful way to use up your scraps. This is such a pretty and fun quilt. Thanks for inspiring today. quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  9. So wonderful that we have all those scraps to inspire and encourage each other in the wonderful eye candy shared! This one in particular reminds me of Diane Knott's Scrap Secret Quilts with the beautiful flowers. I've even seen where the flowers were made with strips and the cut up into the flower shape. So lovely!

  10. I want to try that adding machine paper trick! I love the green stripy blocks! Lovely!

  11. Great plan to add flowers and using a cookie cutter is a unique idea.

  12. What a fun way to bust the stash. I love making something from almost nothing. It's so rewarding! Your combining applique shapes too it up a knotch! Love it.

  13. Great design. You always make things seem so pre-planned and patterned out. =) Love this one.

  14. Cute quilt, I love the addition of flowers. Thanks so much for sharing!

  15. Very cute! I love the way you added the flowers.

  16. The string-y background really ads interest to your quilt. Happy finishing!!

  17. The flowers over strings is such a pretty and modern looking design. Really cute!

  18. Cute!!! Now I want to see close-up pictures of the flowers and buttons!!

  19. Oh I love it - the flowers are so springy with that background!!

  20. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.netMarch 27, 2019 at 4:01:00 PM CDT

    Love, love, love your green background for your flowers.

  21. Using the strings to create a background is a wonderful idea, and the result is a lovely quilt top!

  22. Love the addition of the flowers to your string collection. A lovely spring quilt.

  23. Your quilt turned out great and I love that used used scraps for the flowers too! Great way to use up fabric. Thanks for sharing.

  24. Pretty strings quilt and with the flower appliques, it's so special.


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