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Monday, March 18, 2019

Final Memory Pillows Finished

I finished the last of the memory pillows over the weekend.  These were made from denim shirts.

Once the pillows were made, tote bag fronts and stocking fronts were cut out as well.

At this point I have 21 stockings to sew up and will have 5 more totebags to make after I piece the fronts for a couple of them.


1. that the broken branches in the tree in my front yard have not fallen and damaged the house and roof

2. beautiful weather is forecast here this week.


  1. Those pillows look great! How neat to have the collar and the pockets be part of the pillow. I look forward to seeing those tote bags and stockings, too. You've done a lot for this woman.

  2. Beautiful pillow! Memory pillows are so nice! Enjoy your day and forecasted beautiful weather!! :-) :-)

  3. What a great project. I love the pockets for little notes and trinkets.


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