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Monday, March 11, 2019

March Weekend Finishes

This past weekend was one of those weekends when nothing went like it was planned - starting Thursday evening when my knee decided it needed to act up and I made an emergency trip to urgent care after it buckled on me.   Thanks to a friend who drove me there, I'm currently sporting a new fashion accessory, but at least the knee is finally starting to feel better and I can walk again without much pain if (IF) I don't over do things.

My butterfly hankie quilt was finished this weekend.   Binding is the same green fabric that was used for the block backgrounds.
The label that was embroidered for the hankie quilt by a quilting acquantaince.
Two memory pillows from bandannas.
The patriotic pillow back includes the pocket that was on the t-shirt used for back it. 
Two more memory pillows from a Harley Davidson t-shirt.
16" memory pllows made from a Bugs Bunny bandanna and a Texas t-shirt.

Also worked on over the weekend was prepping the last pair of denim overalls for more memory stocking fronts.   Am currently in process of cutting and/or piecing the fronts.  Once done with that I'll start sewing those together.

Gratitudes -

1.  Nothing was broken when my knee buckled Thursday night as frustrating as that has been........could have been much worse.

2. For friends who live in town that I can call on for help when emergencies like this happen.


  1. For a lame girl, you surely got a lot done this weekend! =)

  2. You were certain busy, even with a bum knee!! How was you knee for pushing the pedal...or did you have to use your left foot for that?


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