My Pages

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Commissions and orphan blocks

Last year I made this queen-sized quilt for a gift.   I pp'd the flying geese used in the stars and the pinwheels.......and as a result ended up with a lot of bonus triangles that I had just put into a ziploc bag and then set aside.

Once set aside they became orphan blocks / UFO blocks because I just ignored them instead of doing something with them.   So now I'm putting them to use to make up commissions (so things to sell).

 These are the ones that were in the true blue color range - meaning no turquoise, teal, aqua or so forth.  I'll be working with those colors at a later date.

I trimmed the middle pile on the top, and the bottom stack to 2.5" unfinished.  The other two stacks will be trimmed to 3" unfinished I think, maybe 3.5" unfinished.
And while not a great picture, but here is "blank" that I'll be cutting a Christmas stocking front out of.  I'll be doing some quilting on it at some point as well with a light weight batting of some sort.

I have a commission for two Christmas stockings in true blues (all shades) and creams or whites due later in the this will be one of the ones that I let my customer choose from.


1. Warm weather!  (In spite of all the allergy stuff now in the air driving me crazy.....)

2. For having been paid for this last finished commission....and the possibility of another one coming soon.


  1. Always nice to have customers who pay promptly!! Of course, when I quilt for someone, I keep the quilt until I get the check. Loving the blues!! Like the new page layout too!

  2. That will make a great stocking. I know you have other ideas, too. I do like having scraps wind up being useful. =) Yay for warm, boo for allergies. I'm crossing my fingers that mine don't get worse than chlorpheniramine can handle. I really hate going to benadryl and beyond that is not a happy thing. I'm lucky benadryl doesn't make me sleepy, but I think it makes me sing the blues. So far, I've only had to use it a few days when there was so much mold from all the rain ... but rain is coming again for the next 3 days. It was mostly sunny and 81 today!


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