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Sunday, April 14, 2019

Cross-Stitch UFO's

I finished off another cross-stitch UFO this weekend.    This little piece is about 5" in diameter and ultimately will end up most likely either in a postcard or mug rug.

 Once the hearts were done, I looked through the tote with the rest of my little cross-stitch kits to see what else might be in progress and found this. 

It was a free kit that came with one of my British cross-stitch magazines several years ago.   I had foolishly not kept the chart, but the picture is large enough to be able to count the number of stitches needed for the ornaments.  I had two kits and had done the stitching on two of them.    And even had sewn the first three together, but not stuffed them.
First three are now totally finished, and they are being used as the patterns for the remaining three ornaments.  I've got the stitching finished for Joy, and am working on the remaining two.   I'm changing up the colors a little so that all 6 ornaments will be different when completed.

1. Lots of rain yesterday means I don't have to water the yard (of course it also means I can't finish mowing the yard....but picky picky)

2. Hopefully one paycheck will come tomorrow

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you, rain so you don't have to water is worth having to wait to mow! Those are some cute little ornaments. Don't you love it when you can finish something up and check it off the list of UFO's!


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