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Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Commission Progress

One commission was finished up this past week.  A longtime friend had asked me to make a pair of pillow shams using blocks that were leftover from a wedding quilt she'd commissioned.  These are the result and will be going to her DD who just got married this past Saturday.
I have several commissions in the pipeline that need to be worked on next......

First up is making a 16" pillow  and 4 or 5 ring-bearer pillows from a wedding dress for the same gal that all of the memory items were for.

Then I've been given a tote bag full of t-shirts for a t-shirt quilt.  size will most likely be about a large lap quilt size.  Due date is no later than October of this year.
Also coming due before long are two Christmas stockings for the same gal that I did the pillow shams for.   Due date is early August. 

And for the same gal I have a possibility of doing an airplane quilt.   So need to get a pattern drawn up (pp'd) and then a sample block made to see how it would work.


1. Got one paycheck last week which meant I could pay some bills.

2. My parents visit

1 comment:

  1. I thought I commented, but that was probably on IG! You have plenty to keep you busy for a while. The shams look so nice.


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