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Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Cross-Stitch Progress

I've been able to get in a fair amount of work on the apple this past week. 

One more word  in the saying at the top of the piece is all that is left to do (Apple done in red floss).

I substituted e-sized seed beads for the french knots that called for by the pattern (around the heart in the apple).

I had thought about working on this kit next, but the metallic thread included in the kit is one I don't like working with so I need to get something different before I can start this.

As a result I'll find one of my small kits and work on it instead.


1. Visiting friends in Austin this coming weekend.

2. Parents are headed this way next week for a visit.

1 comment:

  1. Have fun with friends this weekend!

    At first, I thought all the black outside the apple was ants going in for a bite. =)


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