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Monday, June 3, 2019

H2H goodies

 I was blessed to participate in Hand 2 Help 2019.  And in turn have been blessed with the goodies that I ended up getting from the sponsors of the quilt drive this year.

First were these two goodies from Moda Fabrics - a leather coaster and a little sketch book.
And then this wonderful fabric bundle of coordinating fabrics with a chemistry/science theme from Northcott Fabrics.   Perfect to go with the ties I have that were my Dad's for some sort of quilt.   Now if I only knew where I'd stashed the ties I could put everything together.  Nope, I don't know when I'll get to work on that memory quilt, but at some point it'll happen.

1. Being able to work from home the day I have to report in the afternoon for jury duty

2. Clear skies today (not liking the humidity

1 comment:

  1. Those are great! I need to do a post, too. It is fun to do all that work and then have a little present at the end. The real reward is in the ability to help others, but it doesn't hurt any to have a little blessing on the side. =) The quilt for your dad sounds perfect. Let me know if you want other science fabrics. Atomic Fibers carries quite a few, because it's in Oak Ridge. =)


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