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Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Snail quilt Progress...........

I've started putting the final 30" tall section of the snail quilt together.   And it's looking like I'm going to end up with a bunch of the 12" tall snail blocks leftover..........oops......  Two UFO blocks were added to this section beside the snails.

Bottom strip is made of UFO/orphan blocks made back in 2002 sent to me by a friend.  Signatures on them are from Diane N., Jean I., Trenace W., Monique M., and Heather G. all friends from an online quilt group I've been a part of for over 20 yrs.

This section is 30" square and is approximately 1/3 of what i need to put together for the final strip of the quilt.


1. For  options.........

2. For the house not being overwhelmingly hot even tho I'm only running the AC very, very occassionally.  Guess I haven't lost the desert rat part of

1 comment:

  1. That's looking good. I think the leftovers could go on the back!


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