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Monday, July 8, 2019

4th Of July Holiday Weekend Progress

Lots of projects were worked on and progress was made.

The remaining UFO bibs were completed.
This bib has a UFO block appliqued to the front of it.
Denim and cotton purse finally finished after it sitting around for about 3 yrs.
Inside of Purse.......Lining had to be hand-stitched to the seam allowances for the sides........won't be making this purse again.
Rows 5 & 6 were finished for my 2019 Row by Row quilt.  Bottom row I bought as a kit because I didn't want to have to cut all those teensy pieces.

Top has 3-D grapes made with yo-yos.
Made this commissioned taggie for my niece for her 8-month old daughter.  Most of the ribbons were from stash (only 3 were not), and the minky backing was bought for this.  (Now have minky for 3 more of these.)
Finished all 4 Christmas stockings that will be listed for sale.

There were several other projects that I worked on that I did not get pics of ---

Put the border onto the snail quilt so it is almost ready to mail out for quilting.  Need to applique the last remaining block onto the wide backing and everything will be ready to send off.  Did not get a pic of the quilt with the border on.

Got the commissioned stockings assembled and waiting on the cuff.   Need to practice doing the name before doing them on the "real thing".

Finished up an adoption shower gift.  Just need to find a nice looking hanger for it.


1. Heat wasn't too bad over the holiday weekend and it was dry!

2. Found a possible cousin thru a mutual friend on FB


  1. Congratulations on making such dents in your ufo piles! Your progress on this is truly amazing. Do you have a template available for the neck cut out for your baby bib washcloths? I find the need to make some bibs for 3 babies that are due to be born this fall and I think that the wash cloth idea is really smart. Thanks Moira!

  2. A very well used 4-day weekend! I saw that rocket bib on IG and thought it was so clever! Yay for progress.


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