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Sunday, July 14, 2019

Scrap Happy July

Lots of scraps in various projects this month -

 This Baby bib used the scrappy portion that had been cut out from the another project.
 These 4 scrappy stockings were finished.
Scraps of cotton and ribbon were used to make this little taggie for my great niece.

Head Over to Kate's blog to see what she has been up to and to find links to what the others have been up to this month.


1. I've been able to get an appt for a haircut.....and have the money to pay for it.....

2. Good weekend in spite of nee pain that I was dealing with even tho I didn't get all I'd hoped to done.


  1. Productivity is your middle name!! Love the scrappy stockings.

  2. What fun variety! And I spaced it, but there are scraps in my Monday Goals blocks. That will have to do for this month. =)

  3. Great bib and stockings! You have been a busy lady!!!


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