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Sunday, September 15, 2019

Memory Bears, Part 1

One of the ongoing commissions that I'm working on at the present time is making Teddy Bears out of men's shirts.   The shirts had been worn by the FIL of my adopted niece before his death just a couple of months ago.

So far I've completed two of them.  And I'll be working to make at least one a week between now and Thanksgiving to get them all done on time. 

At least two other projects will be forthcoming from the leftover bits of the shirts as I can get them worked on.


1. For my church family and the blessings of friendships there.

2. For the knowledge that fall and cooler weather will eventually be coming.


  1. The bears are a great way to recycle those shirts into precious mementos. Nice batch of postcards from scraps too!

  2. Your bears are adorable!! I want to make some stuffed animals for my grandchildren out of my dad's suits after he's gone. They are good wool suits, but frayed and worn because he didn't want to buy anything new in the last 20+ years because he knew he wouldn't wear them out!! They aren't good enough to donate, so I'll be making things from his suits, ties and dress shirts for my daughters and grands. I love the way you match the plaids - looks awesome!

  3. Both cute, but I definitely love the second one best. I'm sure something else will come along to knock him out of #1 spot. =) I HOPE fall eventually comes! It was 95 here today with lots of humidity.


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