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Monday, October 28, 2019

Weekend Completions - Oct 28th

Lots of stuff going on this past weekend.

Out with a friend to visit a small group member who is in a nursing home Saturday morning, and then a hoedown themed church potluck round Saturday night.

I was able to make quite a bit of progress with the commissions and sewing for $$ that are on my plate these days.

I finished up the fronts of several different Christmas postcards for sale.  One of which was this Santa pattern - got three made of him.  The last two I put the words at the top where they could be read.
Memory bears #5 and 6 were finished up.   Halfway done with them now.
I hate wasting things when they can still be used (yes that's why I have so many scraps) and just had to find a use for the front plackets leftover from cutting the memory bears out.  This memory pillow was the result. 
The remaining pieced blocks for the commissioned basketball quilt were pieced and ready to be trimmed to 10.5" unfinished.
This little pincushion was made from a few fairy frost scraps for the top and then a solid on the back.  The flamingo is a button that I'd found yrs ago and meant to send to a friend.   The pin cushion will be going in the mail this week to the friend.

1. For the "easy-going" 24 hrs of rain that we had this past Friday instead of the really bad thunderstorms the week before.

2. For the time of fellowship with church friends at the Sat. nite hoedown.

1 comment:

  1. Those bears and just beautifully sewn, Moira. They will be treasures. I love the pillow you created from the button plackets, such a cool idea, and the Santa postcards are really cute!


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