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Sunday, November 17, 2019

Finishes for the weekend

I made it through the bazaar this weekend and even managed to finish up a few things as well.  First up was finishing off Bear #8 for the commission.  Only 4 more to go now.

Next up was testing the second critter in the pattern I've been using for the bears.   The doggie critter was tested with a remnant that was in my stash.  A little different in how it's sewn together, but still not hard and only two pieces for the pattern.

This little doggie will be for sale once I get a bow on him.

And the final finish for the weekend was this wool penguin ornament.  Made with wool felt and felted wools.


1. For what I did sell even with the slowness of the bazaar.

2. for the bearableness at this point of the tooth pain.......and hopefully for a bearable price tag on getting it taken care of.


  1. I'm sorry the bazaar wasn't as busy as it could have been. Your bear is adorable - you really matched up the plaid!!! The doggy is too cute!

  2. You may not ave made a fortune, but it didn't cost a fortune to be there, so that money will help pay the heating for your house, or something else you need. I know you are grateful for it. Other things will come along and work out, and the Lord will provide. I like the collars on the bears - so cute! Now, is that dog for sale on Etsy yet? Was that a shirt or regular fabric? I'm still trying to figure out how these can be just two pattern pieces. LOL I wish you were here and I could help with that tooth pain. I know a reasonable dentist, and I have good meds! LOL

  3. The bear with the collar is so cute!! As is the dog.

    Live the penguin!!! 🐧🐧🐧


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