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Sunday, November 10, 2019

Stretching Art 2020 - Community

It's that time again when the new Stretching Art Challenge theme has been given out.   And this year's theme is "Community".  there are two main definitions for "community" on the internet - the first is "a group of people living in the same place or having a specific characteristic in common", and the second is "a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests and goals".   It will be interesting incorporating those ideas into my piece.

 While going through the tote with all of the panels in it, I found two batik panels.   The first one was this figure of a woman.  I'm sure someone gave it to me but don't have any clue now who it would have been. 

It isn't my usual type of subject for sure.   But I did think about using it as the basis of my challenge piece.   Thinking of it as an homage to all of the women in my life past, present and future.   However, it really isn't my type, so I've decided to just list it for sale.
The second batik panel that I found was given to me by a friend who had been a missionary to Papua New Guinea with her husband.   this panel was one of the things that she brought back to me when they moved back.

I'm going to use this as the center point of my challenge piece.   I'll have to do some piecing of a border for it to get it up to the correct size (18" wide by 36" tall), but that will be easy.   Not so easy is deciding what colors to make the border for it.   Ideas?

I've got an idea of how this panel (the birds are the national birds of Papua) fits into the theme.    So I'm happy that I'm well into planning for my quilt for the challenge..........I need that this year.


1. Finding the panel in my stash that will work with the theme

2. For my brother, tho he is no longer here, my life is forever richer for him having been a part of it for 19 yrs.

1 comment:

  1. What fun it would be to find a swirly batik or another fabric which has all those colors in it. Narrow band of that yellow and wider band of that red?


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