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Tuesday, January 7, 2020

January 2020 Look at the Bill "Paintings"

At least once per year I do a look back at where my finances stand and how it looks in paying off debt.   

this is where I was in September of 2018.  lots of uncolored flower petals there.

As I look this year, I can see lots of progress in getting smaller flowers colored in (meaning the bills paid off). 

I'm encouraged because I know two of the big flowers in the center one will be paid off this year even if things continue to be rocky with income.  Can't wait for that to happen.

I do need to add two more small ones, one larger one to represent the things that have cropped up this past year.and there's one great big one that I need to add...sigh.   Guess it's time to get another canvas out and start sketching.

1. For God faithfulness in supplying all I need over these last couple of yrs of difficulties at work.

2. For being able to keep making progress on getting these bills paid off.

1 comment:

  1. I see a large flower completely finished and a second with huge progress. Debt is a nasty thing, but you have shouldered it with a beautiful attitude, and your faith is really inspiring. Thank you for sharing your real life and your dependence on God.


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