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Monday, February 24, 2020

Finishes - 2/23/19

My plans for last week got thrown for a loop when my body decided it wanted to get sick and actually force me to slow down.  =(   After spending the morning Saturday between urgent care and then Walmart waiting my prescriptions to be filled, and then crashing nothing much got done until Saturday.

First up was sewing this teddy bear.  He'll be off to a little one who is a new big brother as of Friday when I deliver dinner to a family at church this week.  Big Bro keeps eyeing the bunny I made Lil Sis, so he needs his own critter.

Got the blocks cut and/or sewn for the next commissioned quilt.  The pieced blocks still need to be trimmed to 9.5" unfinished, but that is for this week.
And I got backgrounds fused for the first set of Easter postcards.  To come are Easter eggs, baskets, and who knows what else.  =) 

I also managed to make it by the post office so the two commissions from last week and a set of swap blocks were put in the mail on Thursday when I ran out for early voting.

1. For an urgent care office in the next town (none in the town where I live) that is never busy....

2. For friends who bring meals over when I'm not feeling good.

1 comment:

  1. Great gratitudes - love the bear and the other sewing, too.


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