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Saturday, February 27, 2021

New projects and other things

 I'm back in Phoenix after almost a week in TN for my mom's funeral.   And one of the things I'm working on each day is sorting through and donating/tossing (whichever is appropriate) to make the house safer for my 89-yr old dad.   To say it is cluttered is a huge understatement.   here's the initial look into the bedroom my mom had used.

Yes, those piles are taller than I am and it's about 9 ft from the stack of boxes to the outside wall of the bedroom.

After many trips to donate books, clothing, clothing fabric and all sorts of other things, this is what it looks like as of this afternoon....  The floor is empty all the way back to where the blue and white box is.....a distance of about 5 ft deep........... going thru all of this really does make me want to keep my stuff under control!

I've started a couple of small projects when I'm back at the house where I'm staying with a new friend.   Both are table mats that will be gifts.   This one is being made with  fairy fabric by Michael Miller fabrics for the gal I've been staying with.   She loves fairies so this was perfect for her.  

1. For actually being able to see visible progress in getting thru things that my mom had, and making the house safer for my dad.  

2. for the job interview that I have Monday afternoon, and for being 1 of only 2 people selected to interview for the position with University of Texas in San Antonio.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Scrap-Happy February 2021

 In early February I had to travel to Phoenix because of my mother's health, and ultimate passing on the 5th.   Travel yet to come to Tennessee for her burial and then ultimately returning home the end of the month.   Had sorta planned ahead when packing quickly and put my machine and supplies into the car with me in case I had a few minutes to sew for sanity with all that is going on and all I have to do while here.

Did have time to get this scrappy top together.   All of the blocks are from scraps, border was a bolt-end from the stash, bought several yrs ago while I was going to grad school in Indiana.  The finished quilt will be bound in the same fabric as the setting triangles.

it's approximately 40" by 60" in size.

Close up of one corner of the quilt - 

Click on the links below to see what everyone else has done this month.

Kate (me!)Gun, EvaSue, Lynn, Lynda,
Birthe, Turid, Susan, Cathy,  Tracy, Jill,
Claire, JanMoira, SandraChrisAlys,
KerryClaireJeanJon, HayleyDawn,
Gwen, Bekki, Sue L, Sunny, Kjerstin,
Vera, NanetteAnn, Dawn 2 and Noreen


1. My mother's home-going was peaceful and pain free.

2. For God's provision and timing through out this trip.