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Sunday, March 19, 2023

Time for Something a little Different

 My commissioned work has slowed down at this point, but not gone away.   Type of projects in the pipeline have changed and range from quilt repairs to cross-stitch pieces and others.

First commissioned piece finished off this weekend was this custom cushion for my dad's office chair.   Custom measured to fit around the arms of the chair so that when he sits down it will stay in place.  I used an upholstery fabric (man did that stuff shed/ravel) over 3" high-density foam.   And put a zipper in the back panel so that the cover can come off if needed.   Next time I'll use denim for the cover!    

A tip for you if you ever work with foam - use an electric knife to cut it.   So, so much easier than trying to use a regular knife.

And the second finished project was to take this cushion bought in a second-hand store and cut it down to fit the passenger seat of my car.   My dad, at 91, has been having trouble getting out of the car because of the depth of the seat.   So this will help raise him up and make it easier to get out of the car.

1. For all the rain that we've been getting here in the desert, and the spring temps that are now here.

2. For my family and friends - they truly are blessings I don't take for granted.

1 comment:

  1. I know both cushions will help your father, and he is grateful for the help. I have more things I can have you make! =)


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