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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Something Smells Fishy Blog Hop - My Day


Our projects this month were to have something to do with fish.   And that gave me the push I needed to get a UFO out and then finish it up.

This quilt was one that the top was made for a commissioned order, Unfortunately the order was canceled (mom-to-be changed nursery theme) after I had made the top.   So it sat in one of the UFO totes that I have until this swap   The pattern is one of my own designs and I had a lot of fun with it.  The customer had wanted something to do with the sea and this is what I'd come up with.

Whales and anchor were scraps, background was a remnant from my stash.
Backing is a cute boating print.  Border and binding fabric was a  remnant that featured red & blue goldfish.  The background of the front is a funky kind of bluc, but the blue in the binding just matched it.   

Will likely put this up for sale.

1.  For my eye sight in the left eye slowly returning to normal after surgery

2, for AC out here in the 115+ degree temps in Phoenix this summer.


  1. Adorable quilt. The backing fabric is really pretty too. Praying that your left eye is all well soon.

  2. Some lucky kiddo will love wrapping up in this sea-inspired quilt! Too bad the commission didn't work out as this would have been such a sweet addition to a baby's room and decor. It's great to be able to take out a UFO and get 'er done!

  3. Too bad the customer backed out as that is a cute quilt. I hope she paid you something for your time?

  4. That is such a sweet little quilt. I'm glad you had the chance to finish it for this hop. Reading your gratitudes...yikes it's been hot in the Phoenix area. Keep that air conditioning going and may your eye continue to get better.

  5. Your design is just perfect for this hop. It is amazing what we all have in our UFO sacks isn't it? I really love your whales. and congrats on getting another UFO completed.

  6. Adorable quilt Moira! I am sure someone will snap it right up when you put it up for sale!

  7. Oh my goodness, Moira, that pirate look was perfect for this hop but you went a little overboard with the theme. Yikes! All kidding aside, I'm glad you got right in to get it fixed. That must have been so scary! Your little fish and anchor quilt is so cute and fun! Thanks for diving in to finish that project. xo-Get well!

  8. Love the quilt!!! It's a great design!
    I hope the person that asked for the quilt paid you!!! Especially since you had the top done!!

  9. That's so cute! I would have forgotten I had it! Good job!

  10. I just love your backing fabric!! It's really adorable. Well done on the blog hop that finished your project. That's a win win for sure!

  11. Your whales are wonderful! Thanks for sharing.

  12. The whales are cute! Love the backing too.

  13. The whales are really cute, and I like that backing fabric too.


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