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Tuesday, January 14, 2025

House Update....

 The first phase of the work on the house was completed mid-December.  And that allowed me to start moving into the house the weekend after Christmas thanks to a lot of help from one of my best friends.  Most of the remaining items were moved this past weekend leaving some yet to move, a lot of cleaning needed (those dust bunnies got out of hand!), and some painting that needs to be finished.   Next up is contacting a realtor, as well as finishing up everything so that I can get the mobile home sold and out of my hair.   

Family room and dining area.  
Finished kitchen
For the time being my bed is in the living room because what will be my bedroom, along with the master (were my fabric is) and the final bedroom are filled with boxes of stuff and fabric.
My "home" office and sewing area.   Am thankful for the office desk my dad had picked up for my mom years ago.   
My "work" office setup and ready for work on this little pine table that I picked up a couple of years ago at the second hand store just a half mile from my house.

1. For all the help from some of the young adults at church in getting so much moved on Saturday

2. For everything fitting in the house (well except for one cabinet that still needs a place to go) and for room leftover for me to be able to move around in.

1 comment:

  1. moira that looks simply lovely and i am so very happy for blessed you are to have such a beautiful home and space to create...


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