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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Going crazy...........and excitement

Life has been a wee bit crazy this summer with three summer school classes in two sessions. Have also been doing a lot of commissioned sewing these days - scrubs, muu-muu style tops and dresses, and a few quilts. Have what seems like a ton of commissioned sewing yet to get sewn up still here as well. Needless to say I haven't gotten a lot of quilting for me done with everything else going on. A couple of the quilts that I was commissioned to finished for a friend are shown in the pics below. Work at the store is still happening as well. One of these days i might actually get caught up on all that I have to do here........

But the excitement for me the last week has been that the block design I submitted for publication in the Fall 2011 issue of Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks from todays top designers was accepted! It will be in the issue that goes on sale mid-November 2011. Getting my designs published has been a long held dream, and one that I decided to go for in the midst of all the craziness instead of just talkin about it it. Now I'm working hard to get a sample quilt made so that it can be photographed for publication in the same issue. Will work on that next week....have the fabric, and know what I'm going to make. =) And have the design drawn up for my next block submission as well....just need to get the sample block made for it.

1. For a long-time dream coming true.

2. for all of the opportunities for extra income that God has provided.


  1. Love that blue quilt! So simple, but very effective design. I know the quilting on the little trees one is fabulous! I love seeing some things going right for you.

  2. I will definitely purchase that issue of Quiltmaker just to have some of you in my home.


  3. I am definitely be looking to purchase that edition of Quiltmaker so I can have a piece of you in my house.

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! This Daughter of Dorinda is proud to know you even it it is only through blogging.


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