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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Quilting Again!

Summer School derailed most of my sewing & quilting for June, and now that the first class is over I've got a couple of days to quilt and sew again. =) Of course my sewing /quilting these days is made of the various commissions that I've got in house at the moment. At the moment, I've got 10 more scrub tops cut out and in process, and also have 8 other tops / dresses also cut out for the same gal. Also have a quilt going onto the frame that is for a friends daughter.

And finally am working on a wall-hanging that I've been commissioned to finish for another friend. I've got the satin-stitching finished around 3 of the pine trees so far, and am getting ready to start on the 4th one. Not hard work, just fiddly to say the least. Worst of it is that the colors are very close in shade so I'm having a wee bit of trouble seeing where the edges are because I can't find my clear open-toed foot.......argh.....need to go take another look for it. While I'm working on the stitching, I'm also thinking about how to quilt it....esp. the outer two borders of it......any ideas anyone?

1. Thankful for the commissioned work that is helping me to be able to set aside some money.

2. Thankful for all of my good friends everywhere.


  1. moira, good to see you posting again, was wondering what you were up to....

  2. moira, glad to see you are posting again...

  3. Love the wall hanging. Always nice to get some time in to sew between classes. Maybe think about adding some of the cattails and leaves in the borders. I did that with a pine needles pattern that had cattails and a heron. you may also want to think about quilting a couple of pine trees to. It's subtle, but adds a lot to the whole scene. What ever you do it will be beautiful!

  4. I vote that you stitch the outer borders to mimic the waves in the wallhanging. That would be very peaceful.


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