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Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Leftover bits and pieces from any quilt that I work on that is, I just can't seem to get rid of them when they are big enough to do something with.    In this case from the wedding quilt that I'm working on at the present time (one of many projects). 

The first thing that I did with scraps was to sew the strips I blogged about before.   Pic to the right shows a couple of the sets with some of the purple strips that I'm considering putting with them.   And here's a pic of all of the purple strips that I have pulled out.  I haven't decided yet on what I'm going to do for sure with the two groups of fabric but I think that they will play nicely together.

Meanwhile, as I make blocks for the wedding quilt I'm ending up with a lot of triangles that get cut off as I make the flying geese.   The first thing I'm doing with the ones that are from a single piece of fabric is to sew them to a square of a COC fabric with a scant 1/4" seam.   Then cut between the two seams and press them flat.   Final step is to trim them to an unfinished size of 3.5" for most, if not all of them.      If I've counted correctly I'll end up with approximately 288 of these blocks.

The triangles that are trimmed off from the strip sets are slightly smaller than the solid fabric triangles, so I am sewing a strip cut at 1.5" to both of them and then trimming the resulting block to 3.5" unfinished.   I should end up with about 72 of these blocks.  One possible layout for the resulting blocks, when combined with the half-square triangles is show at the right.

One of the last things I did was to make the fronts for 4 quilted postcards from the small bits and pieces of the strip sets.   I'll be adding silk flowers to these after I put the backs on them.   But before I can do that I actually need to find where I've got that fabric tucked away for safe keeping.

Gratitudes -

1. For the award for my published magazine article and the response at the school to it.

2. For the possibility of being able to attend the conference and receive the award.

1 comment:

  1. What fun your leftovers are! You know 3.5" is perfect for some smaller chevron blocks. =)


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