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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Progress on the wedding quilt

Last weekend was UFO Weekend for an online group of friends and I was able to sew with them for once.   I worked on the wedding quilt and made a lot of progress in getting blocks done.   Final tally for Saturday was 49 blocks out of the 180 required are now finished up.    I had to readjust the layout because I realized I'd forgotten to flip the pp'd patterns.   But once that was done I was able to layout some of the blocks to see how it will go together.   Am loving how it is starting to look.

Haven't had time to work on anything else this past week.   But hopefully that will change this week.

1.  No snow today!  lol

2. For the positive feedback that I've received after hearing that my journal article had been awarded the "Top Peer Reviewed Article" award for last year.

1 comment:

  1. Drives me crazy when things are so busy there's no stitching time! The car deal is done, and after I sleep 24 hours, I will make your test block! - okay maybe only 14, but tomorrow!


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