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Friday, February 7, 2014

Sewing on a snowy day

Yesterday was day two of the latest round of snow days for school.   14" of the fluffy white stuff fell here at my house and it is definitely piled up after the latest round of shoveling.   

When not shoveling the snow, I was sewing away here in the house.   Finished off another commissioned garment, making for 6 that are finished and waiting to be shipped out.   Still have room in the box so I'll be making another couple before I ship it off. 

Once I finished off the garment, I pulled out a set of 'UFO fabrics' that i'd pulled several yrs ago to work up.   The main fabric is a print with astronauts, planets, and other space objects in it.   Pulled 3 coordinates for it from my stash and went to work on it.   After figuring out and cutting the biggest size pieces that I could get from the print (7.5" by 9.5"), I then made two coordinating blocks to go with them.   After setting them 4 by 5, and putting on a border I ended up with a quilt top that is 38" wide by 54" long.    It will be donated to Sunshine Quilts because the print fabric was part of what I was given when the founder and long-time founder of Sunshine passed away several years ago.

1. No snow predicted for today, altho the weather is supposed to be really cold.
2. District has offered and is paying for the bulk of the expenses for the conference in March and approved me attending it.


  1. Great news about the conference ... and the end of snow shoveling for you for a while. Enjoy your snow days!

  2. Love your sunshine quilt. Some child is going to go crazy for that space stuff!

  3. glad you are enjoying your snow your projects! we are having a snow-free week...until thursday that is....groan...the winter that won't end!


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