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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Snow Day Critters

Quilted critters that is......I started putting together a baby quilt yesterday using a leftover piece of flannel that a friend had given to me back in October.    The fabric has a white background with cute little ducks all over it.  

By cutting carefully I was able to get 3 12", 9 - 7"squares, and three smaller pieces of it.   Next up was a trip to the stash to pull fabrics to go with it.   Found a multi-shade gold/yellow print that picked up the colors in the ducks, a light yellow, and a dark brown.   After adding to the smaller blocks of flannel with the fabrics that I'd pulled I found I had 14 blocks.   I tried just adding 2 blocks of solid white flannel to the quilt, but the fool quilt just didn't want to cooperate with them and just didn't look good.   Thought for a while and decided to make two applique blocks with ducks on them to make the remaining two blocks that I needed for the quilt.   Found a free coloring page online for the duck pattern and rummaged in the scraps for the body fabric.    Once the two blocks were complete the quilt was cooperative about going together.  

The quilt finished at 46" square, and will be donated somewhere.

1. Snow day for school so I didn't have to drive anywhere.
2. For the exercise that I'm getting shoveling snow even if those piles of snow are getting almost too high to get the new snow over.


  1. I'm glad you listened to what this cute little quilt was telling you to do. It's adorable!

  2. Moira, that is so cute! I love the addition of the ducks.


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