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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Hobbs Commission - I can still do

What is "it" you ask.......that would be tie a men's tie.   Been a long time since I've done it, and it's much easier doing "on myself"  than just around a shirt collar like this....but I can do it!  Which is really good since I need to in order to be able to make this final block for the commissioned quilt.

I will have to take the stabilizer out of the tie so that it is easier to stitch down but that won't take long for me to do.

Before I get the block put together though, I need to make a decision on the backing for the block.  I have two choices shown here -

The light grey will match what I've been using to bring other blocks up to size and on the tie blocks, the dark grey matches the sashing so the sashing and backing will all blend together.  Or I could use black and that would stand out from the sashing and the shirt wouldn't blend into it.

Not sure which one I like better, so I'm sending a msg to my customer to see what she wants.  =)

1.Having no TV means I missed all of the election crud on it....woohoo....

2. Only 2 wks till my appt with the endocrinologist


  1. Any of them are okay - each would have a different look, but no bad choices.


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