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Monday, October 31, 2016

Goals for Halloween Week

The way I've been going if I don't actually put these down in writing they won't get done....I'm very easily distracted these

To be done this week, ranked in order of importance -

1. Quilt half or more of the Modern Block design quilt (it's pinned and ready to quilt) - due date is 11/14.  (Good thing I work well under pressure!)

2. Make little t-shirt dress for my Christmas Child box (have fabric and t-shirt), due date is 11/13 or so.  (Trying to make a plain black t-shirt little girl friendly.....think this fabric will work?)

3. Get final F2F block made for November so that I can get those mailed off.

4. Get interfacing ironed onto the tie sections and cut needed sashing squares out of them.

5. Put together the commissioned quilt top.

6. Complete pillow cover from t-shirt (for same gal the quilt is for)

On-hold -

-- Make my Stretching Art Challenge quilt top
-- putting together the F2F blocks I received in September

Not many things on the to-do list, but a fair amount of time tied up in them..


1. Someone is coming over the end of the week to help me figure out where the air filters are and get them changed.

2. Love my job.  =)


  1. Yes to fabric for dress. She will be delighted.
    How do you have time to work?

  2. Yes on t-shirt and fabric. No on not many things to do! LOL That's a lot with working full time. Miss H was going to have the baby this afternoon. Haven't heard anything yet, though. =)


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