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Thursday, November 3, 2016

New Block Design

I worked on one new design this week...and love how it turned out.....  This one is "simple" with only 57 pieces of fabric in the finished block.  Well, simple compared to a couple of the blocks I designed and made for the Modern Quilt block design contest.

I finished the sample block last night, and it is my final F2F block for this month and will be going to one of my best quilting buddies, Susan.  =)  Love the colors, and the purple has metallic gold dots all over it.

The design for the block reminds me of the ribbons used in rhythmic gymnastics.

However, once this sample block was finished I realized I forgot one teensy thing for the  See the difference between the block below and the latest block?  Yup, they spin in different directions.   Seems I forgot to flip the pattern for this latest block so that it would spin in the correct direction.  I've corrected that in my pattern....but I know that my friend won't care so the sample block isn't wasted.

This makes 6 blocks I believe that I've done w/a common shape (but not pattern).  Time to be working on patterns for using them and on writing up instructions for each block.   Once the latter is done then I can put out a call for friends to test the block pattern for me.

1. Low pressure is here or through and my knee is feeling much better!

2. Time off for Thanksgiving has been approved.  =)


  1. Love the colors. Wow! Are these paper pieced?
    Glad you are feeling better.
    Are you traveling for Thanksgiving?

  2. Oh, good, you know me well! As I was reading what was wrong, I was saying in my head, "Who cares, Moira? Send it on!" LOL I suppose if someone is making all the blocks to go together it might matter, but you know that if I made one wrong, it would still go in the quilt. LOL LOVE the block! Love all of them. Thank you!


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