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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Backing to working on the T-Shirt Quilt

Now that I've got the contest quilt finished and entered into the contest, I'm back to work on the current commissioned quilt.   I have one block left to finish making before I start putting the quilt top together.

I've got the shirt stitched to the backing square and the tie tied around the neck.  =)  Still to do is to stitch around the outside edge of the sides and bottom of the block to keep all layers together and then stitch the tie down so that it stay in place and doesn't pucker.  After the quilt is together then I'll add the name badge that also needs to go on this block.

I'm hoping to get the top together before vacation, then I can come home and baste and quilt it the first 10 days or so in December.

1.  Weather is yummy right now..........

2. I have a place to stay in Phoenix thanks to good friends.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, if I ever get over to her house to take the photo and print the badge for you. =P The block looks great!


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