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Tuesday, November 15, 2016


I finally have a couple of finishes to report.   And a third almost finish.

The first major finish is the contest quilt.   It will be entered (picture submitted for the contest) today.   Final name of the quilt is "It's Quilting, Jim, But Not As We Know It".  Suggestion came from an online friend, Kate, and it captures not only the Star Trek reference that I wanted but also the theme of the entire contest which was taking traditional blocks and redesigning them in a modern way.

If you're wondering about the Star Trek reference, for those of you old enough to remember the original shows.....(and yes I do 'cause I watched them!), look at the sashing sectons and what do they remind you of?

Finished the Modern Quilts contest quilt has been finished....after what seemed like "forever" with all the quilting that I did on it.  Best estimate of thread is that I have more than 800 yards in just the quilting alone.  That means 2400 feet of thread, or almost 1/2 mile of thread.   And yes, I'm a numbers geek  Final size is 48" by 60".

I also finished the little t-shirt dress I made for my shoe box of gifts for Operation Christmas Child this year.
 Also have almost finished off a snack mat using a piece of cross-stitch featuring an owl.   This will be a Christmas gift.   I will also be making a tea cozy to match using more of the owl fabric on the right and the batik.

1. Vacation in 4 days.  =)

2. Weather should be good for my drive to Phx.


  1. Enjoy your week in Phoenix, hope it's a typical weather pattern and you come home safely, too. Love the finished contest quilt. I'll make Paul vote for it, he has facebook. LOL The little dress is so cute. Lots of good sewing going on at your house!

  2. I'm honoured to have my name suggestion chosen! The finished quilt is very beautiful, and I'd vote for it if I was on Facebook...

  3. love the name and the quilt...perfect match!

  4. Moira, Congrats on the challenge finish! I admired your blocks all year long. What beautiful setting and quilting! From my stand point as a participant also, it does seem like it had been going on a long time! I can believe it's coming to a close. It's so nice to meet you!

  5. Your designs and colors came together sew beautifully! THE NAME IS PERFECT! It says so much about the quilt. Good luck in the challenge.


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