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Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Sew 30, Sew Fun - Days 1 & 2

The challenge posted here on Annie's Ruby Slippers is to sew at least 30 minutes a day for 6 days a week during May.   And as time gets tighter for me, that is a structure that I need in my life right now to make progress on the many projects that I have going on.

Between yesterday and today I got the binding and the label onto this wallhanging (altho still no hanging sleeve) and I'm calling it done!  took me an hr or just over between the two days.

So a full shot of the finished little quilt and a couple of close-ups.   Final name was "Strand of Three".

Next up to be worked on for this challenge is to start the quilting of the quilt that I will be donating for teh Hands 2 Help challenge.

1.  My foot is less painful tonite (altho that means the storm is almost here)

2.  Getting together with a great group of women tomorrow might.

1 comment:

  1. Does this mean you decided to hang it long ways? It looks great.

    I'm glad your foot was less painful - storm or not. We have rain coming for the next three days. Same storm? I'll have to check. Mostly ours come out of Canada, but sometimes up from the southwest. All I know is it's going to chill down to the 50s for a high on Friday! And be wet.


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