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Monday, May 1, 2017

Weekend Work...........

I finished the stitching on 7 more of the origami swan blocks over the weekend.  That brings my total completed up to 30.  

Next up on that quilt is to iron the fusible web onto the remaining 30 pairs of fabric prints and then cut the pieces out.

The final blocks that I was able to finish were three heart blocks for a hugs quilt.    These are 12" finished in size.  Fabrics for these came from my scraps.


1. As the finances get tighter to pay for the dental work, I'm glad to have my stash to quilt from.

2. For issues that can be treated.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the variety of colors you are using. This is going to be so great when you pick the ones that make the cut.


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