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Friday, June 30, 2017

Flamingo Progress

Slow progress on the flamingo the last couple of days.    I've got 1/3 of the rows made and sewn together now and have one more row sewn together but not on the quilt.   Because there are so many seams in this top I'm taking the time to press the seams for each row as I attach it.  That isn't the way I normally

Will be sewing more on this over the holiday weekend and hope to finish the top among other projects.


1. Long weekend

2. Gum is healing well where the bone graft is and hopefully will be totally firmed up/healed in just 9 more weeks.


  1. Your flamingo is looking great. I like these projects that look like an impressionist painting. Sounds like you're getting an implant. It does take a while to heal. Thanks for linking to my giveaway. Blessings,

  2. It looks wonderful. Love the darker reddish wing.


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