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Friday, January 19, 2018

UFO Weekend - Part 1

Made the final block needed for the layout I had in mind for these house blocks (bottom center) and got them laid out this morning.

The blocks finish at 8" wide by 10" tall.   Without the border I have in mind the quilt will be 45" by 60".   The border that is in my mind for this will bring it to basically 50" by about 80" if I leave all rows on the front like this. 


1. Now that the townhouse has sold, God already knows what the next 6 months hold for me as I figure out where to live next

2. Having fun blocks already made in the stash to work with.


  1. Your extra block looks like it was always in the mix. =)

  2. I like how more of the houses have the same block in them bu there is a surprise block or two in each row!! Definitely keeps it interesting! How will the border increase the width by 5" and the length by 20"? Just what interesting things are you planning?


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