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Monday, January 22, 2018

UFO Weekend wrap-up

The house blocks are no longer "yelling" to get out of my UFO block stash because they are now in a finished quilt top.   Top finished out at approximately 50" by 80". 

The black Kona and the blue star print used in the borders were both from my stash.   The outer border is 3" cut, and the upper border (the "roof") is 15" tall unfinished because that was the largest square I could cut for the HST's I used for the sides.

Final 7 blocks were pieced into the backing for the quilt.  The black that appears solid is actually a black with blue dots all over it.

Next quilt to work on will see me back to working on the art challenge quilt.   Prepping more fabric for 3D leaves is on the plans for tonite.

And under the needle this morning is this commissioned t-shirt with an origami crane on it.  This will be finished up this evening.

Next commissions up are a bunch of fruit cobbler/pie potholders.   4 for a friend in Austin, and a friend in Idaho wants to order 8 of them.  Gonna have to get more cherry print fabric, but I think I have enough for this order....just not any more

1. I now have an answer to the question on whether the buyers of the town house are going to live there or rent.......and they are planning on living there.

2. As one of my best friends said, the time between now and when I have to move (end of July) will give ME the time to find what is right for me at this time instead of having to either rent something totally blind as I did in Wyoming, or depend on someone else looking at a property for me, or having a scant 2 hrs to find something to move into and hoping that the place and neighborhood were ok.

1 comment:

  1. Lots of great UFO sewing. I really, REALLY like the way the house setting looks!


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