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Saturday, September 1, 2018

Mystery Project from Quilt Seeds...........

Finally found the fabric I'm supposed to be using in a surprise project this evening and decided I'd better start it while I knew where it was since things tend to hide around here.

Final project will be revealed later, but block one looks like this.   All fabrics but one are from the multitude of scraps around here.

Now to find the email that has the info for when this is supposed to be


1. Found the RFID blocking fabric that I'd put up for safe keeping

2. For my family.


  1. Don't you get tired of things hiding from you? I know I certainly do!!! I need to stop putting things in a "safe" place...they disappear for years!!

  2. LOL, yes, there are NO safe places! These look like a great beginning for whatever it is. =)


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