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Saturday, September 1, 2018

"Quilt Seeds", aka Fabric Scraps

I make a lot of scraps from the amount of quilting that I do, but still I end up going through scrap bins at stores because I love to work with a wide variety of fabrics in my quilts.   As a result I do tend to buy lots of scraps.  And this week was one of those weeks when I went trolling through a scrap bin at Stitchin' Heaven that always has a wonderful selection of fabrics.  Most of which are from all the kits that they cut and sell.

Yesterday's haul included these four bags which didn't quite stay  I did try to close them, but I left right at closing so they didn't  argue over them. 

 Those four bags unpacked to these piles - creams which will be wonderful additions to my backgrounds, yummy batiks and a few blacks to go in my stash of black fabrics for my scrappy quilts.
 There were also these five panels that are so cute.   I'm planning on using my strings in a scrappy/wonky log cabin type setting to make a baby quilt from them.

 This bag of strips, strings and occasional larger pieces came from a stop that I visited on Monday afternoon.  they filled a bag the same size as what you get at a grocery store. They came from a bin marked "free".  Gotta love that kind of price.    And yes I left more than half of what was in the tote!


1. Lots more "Quilt Seeds" to work with.....heh heh.....

2. Alternate blocks are finished for the setting of the Bear Retreat blocks...4th time was the charm.


  1. Ooooh! You are so lucky to live where there are scrap bins and free scraps. we don't even have a fabric store close to here I live. I would be so happy if I did. There is nothing better than playing with scraps. Have fun!

  2. Ooooh, such wonderful seeds, and I know some great things will grow from them!


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